I've had this song stuck in my head all day. Enjoy!
29 April 2010
28 April 2010
Fun Time at Murrah High!
Today I got to get out of the office for a little bit. Yey! A couple of days ago, we got an e-mail asking for volunteers to go to Murrah High. I wasn't even sure what it was for, but I said count me in.
So yesterday, they finally let us know what we would be doing. They needed people to sit on a panel of judges to grade senior projects. From 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. I got to listen to presentations from the students. Most of then were anywhere from 8 to 10 minutes. And there were only about 2 that were really bad; I was very impressed for the most part. I get to go back on Friday, so it should be a good time!
So yesterday, they finally let us know what we would be doing. They needed people to sit on a panel of judges to grade senior projects. From 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. I got to listen to presentations from the students. Most of then were anywhere from 8 to 10 minutes. And there were only about 2 that were really bad; I was very impressed for the most part. I get to go back on Friday, so it should be a good time!
27 April 2010
Back to the Y!
Now that I have my car back, I'm most excited about going back to the gym. I got into a spin class tonight which I was very excited about.
Tonight was also a meeting for the running group I'm a member of. I decided that I really needed to get in my visit at the gym, but still wanted to see the group. So, I went to spin and then meet the group at Alumni House. I had never been, so I was eager to try it.
Tonight was also a meeting for the running group I'm a member of. I decided that I really needed to get in my visit at the gym, but still wanted to see the group. So, I went to spin and then meet the group at Alumni House. I had never been, so I was eager to try it.
It was pretty much, just a nice sports bar. The food was pretty good, but nothing special. The one thing I did like about it was the cheap beer.
We left the restaurant at around 8:10 p.m. and panic set in, I started freaking out about missing the first part of Lost... Turns out it was a rerun, thank goodness!!
26 April 2010
Got Wheels?
Tonght at 8:00 p.m. I finally got my car back!!!!!
Long story short. I got to Care Care Clinic at around 5:00 p.m. I was told that that's when the guy would be there to finish up my car. He didn't show up until 6:00 p.m. and it ended up taking him two hours to finished it up. But they got it done and I finally got my car back!
Long story short. I got to Care Care Clinic at around 5:00 p.m. I was told that that's when the guy would be there to finish up my car. He didn't show up until 6:00 p.m. and it ended up taking him two hours to finished it up. But they got it done and I finally got my car back!
25 April 2010
Uneventful, Eventful Weekend
So this weekend was both uneventful and eventful.
Friday, still no car. It was my early Friday, so I got to leave at 1:00 p.m. It was my boss's early Friday too and offered to go to the gym! I was really excited I was going through withdrawals. When I got home, I called Car Care Clinic, only to find out that the guy that was going to put the part in, wouldn't be there until Saturday at Noon... fine, whatever.
Luckily, Teresa had the night off and we went to Nagoya to get sushi! It was delicious!
Saturday, still no car. I got a call from Car Care Clinic around 1:30 p.m. He told me that the guy, who came to put the part in, lacked an update that could only be obtained from Toyota... when they opened on Monday. So it will be Monday when I finally get my car back, hopefully.
For the rest of Saturday, I did as little as possible. I flipped between watching movies and watching the weather. I was supposed to do a 5k with my mom in Brandon, but due to the weather it was postponed until Sunday at 2:00 p.m.
Sunday, since I was still car less, my mom and sister picked me up to run in the 5k. They decided to pick me up early so my mom could take us to lunch before the race. She decided on Raising Cane's. Upon leaving Raising Cane's my sister's car made a funny noise, shut down, and started smoking. (Great) We had to get a wrecker to pick up the car. There was only room for one other person, so my mom was chosen to ride with the wrecker. My sister and I walked down to McAlister's in Flowood to get dessert while we waited. Despite the circumstance, we had fun sharing a piece of cake and watching the ducks.Needless to say we didn't make it to the 5k.
Once my mom was able to pick us up, I got her to drop me off at a local grocery store. There were a few things I was in desperate need of. And then I walked home. It wasn't too bad. I only had two bags and a 6-pack of Abita Root Beer!!! I had been looking for this, and finally found it!
There were lots of people out walking their dogs, and just walking and running. It was also a beautiful day! A great afternoon to walk home.
Friday, still no car. It was my early Friday, so I got to leave at 1:00 p.m. It was my boss's early Friday too and offered to go to the gym! I was really excited I was going through withdrawals. When I got home, I called Car Care Clinic, only to find out that the guy that was going to put the part in, wouldn't be there until Saturday at Noon... fine, whatever.
Luckily, Teresa had the night off and we went to Nagoya to get sushi! It was delicious!
Saturday, still no car. I got a call from Car Care Clinic around 1:30 p.m. He told me that the guy, who came to put the part in, lacked an update that could only be obtained from Toyota... when they opened on Monday. So it will be Monday when I finally get my car back, hopefully.
For the rest of Saturday, I did as little as possible. I flipped between watching movies and watching the weather. I was supposed to do a 5k with my mom in Brandon, but due to the weather it was postponed until Sunday at 2:00 p.m.
Sunday, since I was still car less, my mom and sister picked me up to run in the 5k. They decided to pick me up early so my mom could take us to lunch before the race. She decided on Raising Cane's. Upon leaving Raising Cane's my sister's car made a funny noise, shut down, and started smoking. (Great) We had to get a wrecker to pick up the car. There was only room for one other person, so my mom was chosen to ride with the wrecker. My sister and I walked down to McAlister's in Flowood to get dessert while we waited. Despite the circumstance, we had fun sharing a piece of cake and watching the ducks.Needless to say we didn't make it to the 5k.
Once my mom was able to pick us up, I got her to drop me off at a local grocery store. There were a few things I was in desperate need of. And then I walked home. It wasn't too bad. I only had two bags and a 6-pack of Abita Root Beer!!! I had been looking for this, and finally found it!
22 April 2010
Happy Earth Day!
In celebration of Earth Day, I did my part to help save the planet... by carpooling. Well, I caught a ride to work, because my car is still in the shop. Apparently the computer in my car has gone bad and needs to be replaced. Car Care Clinic told me I should get it back tomorrow, but we'll see.

20 April 2010
Car Woes...
On my way home from the gym last night, my check engine light came on and then my car went dead. I managed to pull it over to a side street off the frontage road. I was only 1/2 mile away from my apartment. Luckily I broke down in front of Virginia College, where there is a cop of duty. He advised me that we needed to push my car into the parking lot. I decided to try and start my car before I put it in neutral, and it worked! I managed to make it home safely and decided to worry about it in the morning.
Today, I left work early to take it to Car Care Clinic. My car stopped twice on the way there. They were able to look at it and advised me to leave it over night so that could hook it up to a diagnostic machine tomorrow morning. I’m praying that it won’t be to bad, but I have a feeling it will be. Oh well, I guess I know what I’m going to use my refund check on....
Today, I left work early to take it to Car Care Clinic. My car stopped twice on the way there. They were able to look at it and advised me to leave it over night so that could hook it up to a diagnostic machine tomorrow morning. I’m praying that it won’t be to bad, but I have a feeling it will be. Oh well, I guess I know what I’m going to use my refund check on....

19 April 2010
18 April 2010
Weekend with my Sweetie!
Saturday I woke up early to make my way to Lafayette, LA to meet John for a wedding! I left Jackson around 7:00 a.m. and got to Lafayette around 10:30 a.m. It was such a pretty day, I had forgotten how nice of a drive it was in LA. John and I got to visit for a little while before we had to get to the wedding.
We left the hotel with plenty of time to get to the wedding. But there must have been some sore of blackout! Between our hotel and the church, there were about 8 traffic lights out! We ended up being about 10 minutes late, we made our entrance right before the bride! (This is the second time this has happened to us!!) The ceremony was very nice and the reception was lots of fun! There was lots of food, drinks, and dancing! It was fun getting to meet John's friend, Zeraka!
John and I were able to have breakfast together, and then it was time for John to get on the road, it was a 10h hour drive back to OK City. Although it was a short trip, it was good to see John for the rest of the weekend!
We left the hotel with plenty of time to get to the wedding. But there must have been some sore of blackout! Between our hotel and the church, there were about 8 traffic lights out! We ended up being about 10 minutes late, we made our entrance right before the bride! (This is the second time this has happened to us!!) The ceremony was very nice and the reception was lots of fun! There was lots of food, drinks, and dancing! It was fun getting to meet John's friend, Zeraka!
John and I were able to have breakfast together, and then it was time for John to get on the road, it was a 10h hour drive back to OK City. Although it was a short trip, it was good to see John for the rest of the weekend!
13 April 2010
Adopting a dog!
Today I applied to adopt a dog though CARA! I should know something in a couple days! We'll see how it goes...
08 April 2010
07 April 2010
Netflix Movie Night!
After I went to the gym tonight I came home and watched a Netflix movie I had been neglecting, Cool Hand Luke starring Paul Newman. I had never seen it but had wanted to. It's a total man flick, but I thought it was really good! There were several lines in the movie that I have heard before but didn't realize they came from this movie. Here's one...
When I told John I was watching Cool Hand Luke, he started singing the song from the movie, and it's been stuck in my head ever since. So I hope you enjoy it!
When I told John I was watching Cool Hand Luke, he started singing the song from the movie, and it's been stuck in my head ever since. So I hope you enjoy it!
05 April 2010
Back to the G Y M!
Now that I'm back from OK City and work has started our YMCA program, it's time to get in the habit of going to the gym. Tonight I just went up there and used the machines and worked out for about an hour and a half! I felt so great after I was done. Let's hope I can keep it up!!
I came across this and thought it was funny!
I came across this and thought it was funny!
03 April 2010
Happy 28th Birthday to my John!
Today is John's birthday! We started off the morning by sleeping in a little and then I made John a breakfast casserole! It was delicious!
This afternoon, we got together with some friends to play golf. Well I only played 2 wholes, I spent most of the time watching, driving the golf cart and drinking beer!
When we were done with the golf game, we went back to John's and took a nap! I was so tired; drinking beer in the sun will do that to you.
Later that night we headed to The Wedge for pizza and cake! The pizza was really good! It was a wood fire oven Pizzeria. Lacy, a friend that John's works with, made the birthday cake.
This afternoon, we got together with some friends to play golf. Well I only played 2 wholes, I spent most of the time watching, driving the golf cart and drinking beer!
Look how cute!
When we were done with the golf game, we went back to John's and took a nap! I was so tired; drinking beer in the sun will do that to you.
Later that night we headed to The Wedge for pizza and cake! The pizza was really good! It was a wood fire oven Pizzeria. Lacy, a friend that John's works with, made the birthday cake.
The Wedge
Me, John, and Lacey!
Natalie, Leslie, and Michael!
John's Big Lebowski cake! Made by Lacey!
After dinner, we went to Coyote Ugly! We had an awesome time and stayed until they closed at 2:00 a.m. Here are a few of the pick...
John and his beer glasses!
The girls on the bar!
I think this guy made the Coyote's mad.
They wrote this on his back with a Sharpie!
What do you think??
Me and John!
02 April 2010
Comedy Club!
Tonight, Me, John and some friends went to the comedy club! It was so much fun! John has been talking about it for months and now I finally got to go.
The head comic was Kristen Key, who was on Last Comic Standing. She kind of reminded me of Ellen but with a foul mouth! We had a really good time! I wish we had a place like it in Jackson!
01 April 2010
Drive to OK City!
This morning I got to spend some time with Can! We went out for breakfast at Cracker Barrel and then we went to Whole Foods! I was really excited about going to whole foods, I wish we had one in Jackson. After that, I headed out to make my way to Oklahoma City to see John!
I made it to John's a little before 7:00 p.m. I was so excited to get there! We ate at Earl's with our friend Michael, where I had the biggest hamburger I've ever seen. It was delicious.
Later, John went over his presentation for me, he is presenting it at work tomorrow and wanted to go over it.
We headed to bed early. I was so tired from my drive!
I made it to John's a little before 7:00 p.m. I was so excited to get there! We ate at Earl's with our friend Michael, where I had the biggest hamburger I've ever seen. It was delicious.
We headed to bed early. I was so tired from my drive!
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