With all good things, they come to an end. And the great weekend, came to an end very very early yesterday morning. Our flight out of Harrisburg was at 6:00 a.m., which meant we needed to be at the airport at 5:00 a.m., which meant we needed to leave my aunt and uncles house by 4:15 a.m. I have learned a valuable lesson for this early morning experience, pay the extra money to leave later in the morning.
Because John needed to get back to Pittsburgh anyway, he was able to take us to the airport. I was really sad when he dropped us off, but very grateful for the long weekend with him!!
Picture of me and John at the reception.
Getting back to Mississippi was exhausting. From Harrisburg to Atlanta was fine, it was the getting from Atlanta to Jackson that was so bad. Once we landed to Atlanta, we saw that the game that we were leaving out of only 4 gates down! Yea! So we grabbed something to eat and were going to settle down for the next 2 hours. Then we realized the gate had been changed, but it was only about 3 gates down. Once there we discovered we need to which concourses, from C to E. I thought this a little odd because that is the main concourse for international flights. Once we were in E, the sign said to go back to C. So we did.... Then when we were back at C it said to go to E. So no matter where we looked the gate was different!!! Finally I asked (something I should have done in the beginning!) And the lady I talked to confirmed that we did need to be in concourse E!!! So after much scurrying around and a flight delay we finally got back to Mississippi!
Once back in Jackson, we decided to stop for a quick bite to eat, before I took them home. While I was gathering the things I had left at my Mom's house, she called my Gramma, to tell her that we were home. When my mom was finished talking to my Gramma, my Gramma wanted to talk to me. She wanted me to go to Walmart for her on my back to my apartment. Even though I was exhausted to the point of not thinking straight, I went and picked up the things she needed. I took the things to her and promised to tell her all about the wedding later.
While at Walmart, I decided to treat myself to a Redbox movie. I decided on The Wrestler. Several people had told me it was more of a guy movie, but that it was really good, so it would be good to watch.
Before I watched the movie, I unpacked about half my suitcase and then took a much needed nap! I slept from about 2:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. and the only reason I woke up then, was because my mom call me. There is no telling when I would have slept until!
When I was up about again, I finally took a shower and cleaned a little. Then, I fixed myself some supper and watched the movie.
The Wrestler, starring Mickey Rourke and Marisa Tomeia was excellent. It was like Rocky, only better and sadder. Although it lasted almost 2 hrs, it thought the movie when by really fast and was over before I knew it. It was a sad portrayal of a broken down wrestler and the things he endured in his life. I would recommend this movie to some of my girlfriends but mostly to my guy friends. I enjoyed it, but know some of my girlfriends that would not like it. Overall I would give it two thumbs up!
Today it was time to go back to work... I just knew today was going to be a bad day, when I got to work and then realized that I had forgotten the keys to my desk at my apartment. Even though I only like 5 minutes away now, I was still annoyed with myself for forgetting them.
Although I had a rough start, the rest of the day turned out fine. After work, I went to Kroger to get a few things I need and to get the things to make the dip I'm taking to the Halloween party! I also, stopped by Walgreen's to drop off The Wrestler and decided to get another movie, Bottle Shock. It sounded interesting and it had Alan Rickman and Bill Pullman in it, so I figured it wouldn't be that bad.

I thought this was a great movie. It made me want to go to Napa, sit in the sun, and drink wine! Bottle Shock was set in 1973. Alan Rickman's character owns a wine shop in Paris and decided to hold a blind taste test, using wines he found in California and the wines from Paris. His goal was to enlighten Parisians on the fact that other people can make really great wine besides them. The movie was very interesting, they explained some of the science of making wine and what all goes into it. A movie I would recommend to any friend who enjoys a nice glass of wine!
::Side note: Halloween Party got cancelled :( ::
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