Today I ended up piddling the morning away at the hotel because it was raining. I had lunch at the hotel and it was delicious! Roast Beef Sandwich with Horseradish Sauce, Crisps and Salad.
Another thing that was different in Scotland was the name of some foods. Like chips instead of french fries and crisps instead of chips. I should have known what crisps were but I wasn't sure. I ordered this sandwich and the waitress said it comes with chip. Then, a few minutes later she comes back to apologize that it doesn't come with chips but crisps. I asked her what they were and it was hard for her to describe them to me! It took a minute, but then I know what she was talking about.
Today I bought a ticket for a Edinburgh Double Decker Tour. It went a few places where the walking tour didn't and I didn't have to walk. And it was good for 24 hours. So, I would be able to use it again to get around tomorrow.
The bus. The rain cleared, but I'm glad I picked this tour. Some of the top is covered.
Bus Route!
Don't remember which building this is, but I thought it was pretty.
It started to look a little cloudy again.
More views of Edinburgh Castle
Can you imagine being a soldier, and having to scale this to get into the castle to attack?
Oldest pub in Edinburgh, 1740.
Pretty arch
Scottish Parliament Building
Salisbury Crags, Arthur's Seat. I had plans to climb to the top, but ran out of time.
The Palace of Holyroodhouse, this is the Queen's official residence in Scotland
Scottish Parliament / Queensberry House
Canongate Kirk, official church of the Queen when she is in town.
Not sure why, but this sign entertained me
Jekyll & Hyde Pub
The real man who Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde was written about
Turned into a pretty day!
Me and John and a few of his class mates when to Wagmama tonight. It was a noodle restaurant near the hotel. It was delicious!
So pretty!!