19 February 2011

CitySolve Houston!

Today John, Lacey, and I competed in the Houston CitySolve Urban Race. It was sort of a picture scavenger hunt all over downtown Houston. It started with a question that every team could see, the answer to the question is the place where you got the questions packet for the rest of the race. They gave you a list of 10 questions (and two bonuses). You were required to complete 9 of the 10. When you had your nine you had to head back to the start. The picture checker asked which one was your skip, and then you got credit for the correct questions answers.

City Solve!!

City Solve!

The race start and finish!

1st Clue! (Thanks Lou!)

1st Picture/ Task
This was a task/picture mission. Our team faced off with another team, each trying to tell a story, forming a sentence with the beginning work starting with a letter of the alphabet. Our team went first... A dog poos on the lawn...It went down hill from there, but luckily the other team messed up with the letter G.

2nd Picture/ Task (Twister!!!)
Everyone won!!!

Another Clue!

3rd Picture
We had to find this place, Michelangelo's, like the Ninja Turtle.We also had to do out best karate chop, someone had to be airborne in the pic.

4th Picture

Someone had to sample the Cheese Cake yogurt... I took one for the team.

5th Picture.
We had to find the house on the University of St. Thomas where Howard Hughes grew up.

The Howard Hughes House!

6th Picture.
The Breakfast Klub! (I actually read about this place last weekend!)

7th Picture
AAA (for Antiques, not cars!)

8th Picture,
We had to have Texas size amounts of BBQ sauce on our faces.
(I think we did okay)

9th Picture
Pictures of 2 somethings larger than life.

9th Picture cont. Larger then life!!

 Bathroom Door

Other Bathroom Door

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