27 June 2014

Dalhousie Castle - Scotland

The week of graduation we stayed at the Dalhousie Castle. It was about 20 minutes outside Edinburgh. It was pretty cool staying in a castle. Every room had a different theme. And we even ate dinner in The Dungeon. They also had a falconry and owl experience. The falconry was all booked up, but the guys were still able to the owl experience. It was the coldest day of our trip but the neatest thing to watch!

Dalhousie Castle

Dalhousie Castle

Dalhousie Castle (back of the castle where we ate breakfast)

There were several walking paths along the grounds, these are some ruins we came across on our walk)

This owl was called The Duke. He only weighed 5 lbs, but was a massive bird!

The guys are all smiles after the owl experience!

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