21 June 2014

Scotland - The Highlands

Even though John had been to Scotland a dozen times, he didn't really get to do much sightseeing when he was there... So since we had a few day before Graduation, we made a trip to The Highlands. It was gorgeous! It was amazing to see so many different shades of green!

Since we weren't on any real schedule, we made lots of stops along the way.

Next to a Loch... no idea the name.

Looks eerie...

This was some ruins near our hotel. We hiked to the top.

Abandon boats.

We made it to the top!

Being thoughtful, looking over the water.

My turn to be thoughtful...

Remaining arch of the ruins.

The guys trying to move this boat...

We had our first Fish & Chips here!

This is the The Jacobite, a.k.a. The Hogwarts Express! We made it just in time to see it billow into the station.

The Jacobite, a.k.a. Hogwarts Express

John and I in front of the train!

Men shoveling coal for the train.

This is the aqueduct that's in the Harry Potter movies that the train travels on.

John driving on the left side of the road!

One of the tastiest meal I ate in Scotland. Roast in gravy with a bread topping.

You can see a little bit of leftover snow!

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