17 October 2010

Movie Day!

00Yes, I spent just about all day watching movies. A VHS movie marathon, three movies to be exact. Titanic, Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring, and Toy Story.

I loved this movie when it came out. I literally saw it in the theater three times! I know kind of dorky, but that's in high school and now... not much has changed.

This first time I saw this movie was with friends when it came out of video, I fell asleep watching it. About the time the second movie was going to come out, I decided to give the first movie another shot. I love it! Then I was hooked to all of them.

Love this movie! And after recently seeing Toy Story 3, it was fun to revisit the original.

1 comment:

  1. I have been watching the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Swedish is a neat language.

    Go ahead and watch The Stoning of Soraya M. It is very sad. But, it is worth watching. It made me think and feel and I am still processing it.
