06 October 2010

Movie Night!

Citizen Kane is at the top of the AFI's best film ever made. I didn't think it was the best film ever made, but still very good. I did think it was neat how they made him look older through out the movie and the cinematography is wonderful for a movie of that time.

The movie is about the life of Kane, his family came into some money when he was a little boy. His parents sent him away, to live a better life then what they could offer. I think this was more of a hindrance then a help. When he is 25 he gains a great fortune and buys a newspaper. He does a good job at first, but as he gets older, the more of a bitter asshole he becomes. With his dying breath he utters the words "Rosebud". So the whole movie is spent with a reporter interviewing different people in Kane's life, everyone telling a different occurrence in Kane's life (everyone story is a flashback to that time). The reporter always trying to find out what Rosebud is.

I would recommend it, because it's a movie everyone should see. But I probably won't see it again.

Here is the movie clip.

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