10 October 2010

Texans Game!

On Sunday, John and I got to go to our first NFL game! The Texans vs. The Giants! We went with our friends Joe and Valerie. The Texans lost, but it was still lots of fun!


Texans Stadium

Waiting for the team!




More Field

Team running on field!

Coin Toss

Let the game begin!

Final Score

Fans clearing out quick

More of fans clearing out quick

John and I in front of the field!

After the game, Joe and Valerie suggested we go to The Chocolate Bar! It was chocolate overload, but fantastic! It was their anniversary, so with any candy purchase you got a taste of their best cake and ice cream!

The Chocolate Bar!

I ended up getting a Marshmallow Kabob and
a Raspberry White Chocolate thingy.

Chocolate Cake and a Strawberry Chocolate Ice Cream!

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