31 December 2010

Goodbye 2010!

John and I decided to meet in Shreveport for New Year's! We decided to go to the Horseshoe to see what they had going on. We got there a little early so I ended up sitting at a penny slot machine for a little while, turning $5 into $20!! Closer to midnight, we snuck into a rooftop party. It ended up being a little lame. It was the most anticlimactic New Year's countdown ever, but it was still exciting snicking in. They handed out champagne and I got to kiss my sweetie at midnight! It was wonderful!

At the beginning of 2010 I made a list of resolutions. I made a list of about 20 things in hopes that I could complete one of them. That may be cheating, but I thought it was a great idea. I failed at 15 and did 5!
Here is my 2010 New Year's Resolutions list.

1. Keep checkbook balanced. FAIL
2. Run 3 times a week. FAIL
3. Workout video 3 times/ week FAIL
4. Read 1 book a week FAIL
5. Eat out for lunch only once a week FAIL
6. Open savings account FAIL
7. Give blood WIN!
8. Only 2 cups coffee/ day FAIL
9. No coke FAIL
10. Recycle WIN!
11. Floss everyday FAIL
12. Take more pictures WIN!
13. Read through the Bible FAIL
14. Eat better (more organic) FAIL
15. Run a full marathon WIN!
16. Run a half once a month FAIL
17. Get 8 hrs sleep every night FAIL
18. Learn to cook better WIN! (sort of)
19. Be more organized/ keep apt clean FAIL
20. Weekly card giving FAIL

Photo 90

New Lamp

28 December 2010

Photo 87


Radio City Rockettes!!

Tonight John and I got to see the Radio City Rockettes! This was of the funnest things we did in NYC this Christmas. Terry made sure we got really good seats so we could really enjoy the show, we were on the 7th row! It was so great.

This show had everything: the dancing Rockettes, Santa Clause, a warm hearted family story, singing and dancing, ballerinas, Jesus' birth (with real live camels and sheep)and the beginning was in 3-D. It was fabulous!! We even got to take a picture with a Rockette! But it's one of those picture they print out and put in a frame for you, so I can't post it. But if you come to my house you can see it. I did get some picture of Radio City, enjoy!

Radio City Music Hall!

Radio City!

John and I in our 3-D glasses!

New Restaurant!

John and I get a quick bite after our walk through the park. It was called Angela's Deli. I ended up just getting a hamburger, but it was a good hamburger. The pickle was pretty gross, but the burger was great!

Angela's Deli

Cheese Burger!

Central Park in the Snow!!

John and I took a short stroll through Central Park. It was very pretty, but short lived. There had been so many people walking on the snow, that the "path" was pretty much a sheet of ice. It was hard to walk without almost slipping. Here are some pictures.

Looking at the city


More Snow

Me and John!

More Snow

Along the path


Fun Bench

9/11 Memorial

Today John and I ventured to the city. The first thing we did was head to the 9/11 Memorial. We heard that they had finished the first 40 stories of one the buildings. We also went to the museum. It was very small and there wasn't much to it. When all the buildings are up there is supposed to be a better museum and other memorials. Here are a few pictures of the progress so far...

The tallest building so far

Sign on gate around plaza

Aerial picture of reflection pools

Large crane
Next tallest construction

Names on a wall

27 December 2010

26 December 2010

The Addams Family!

Tonight John, Joe, and I went to see The Addams Family. Terry had been telling us to go see it, her and Mr. Paul had seen it the last time they were in town and said it was hilarious!

I didn't get any pictures from outside the theater because the wind and snow was so horrible! It had Nathan Lane who I think is very funny. He played in The Birdcage, Mrs. Doubtfire, and The Produces, just to name a few.

From the official Addams Family Musical website:

THE ADDAMS FAMILY features an original story. It’s every parent’s nightmare. Your little girl has suddenly become a young woman, and what’s worse, has fallen deliriously in love with a sweet, smart young man from a respectable family. Yes, Wednesday Addams, the ultimate princess of darkness, has a “normal” boyfriend, and for parents Gomez and Morticia, it’s a shocking development that turns the Addams house upside down when they are forced to host a dinner for the young man and his parents.

The show was great! The best of the three we've this vacation. It was very funny. Uncle Fester and Grandma were my favorite characters. Everything they said provided great comedy! A musical I would definitely recommend!

Photos 85 - Blizzard!

Freezing on the Subway

Times Square

Times Square

More of Times Square

More Snow!

Much More Snow

Line where some of the snow went up to.

New Hat!

Tree in Front Yard

Lots of Snow!

24 December 2010

Photo 83

Christmas Eve Drink!

7 Fishes for Christmas Eve

For Christmas Eve we headed to Terry's cousin, Fortune's house for 7 Fishes! It was so delicious. And we were so stuffed when we were done, but it was worth it! It was so delicious! All the fishes I had had before, except for the Sea Bass. It was wonderful!


Baccala Salad (dried salted cod)

Baked Clams

 Linguine with Clam Sauce

Stuffed Calamari, Squid, Scallops, and Chilean Sea Bass

Making Dessert!

For Christmas Eve we went to Terry's cousin house. Terry and I spent the morning making desserts for the occasion.

The first thing we made was Struffoli. It is one of Terry's favorite Itailain Christmas time desserts. She made the dough and I did the frying. (Like a good Southern girl). I also added the sprinkles!


The next thing we made were Pizzelle's and Cannolis! John talked to Terry about making Pizzelle's, so she found a Pizzelle maker at Bed, Bath, and Beyond. They were fun to make and turned out pretty good.

Pizzelle Maker

Pizzelle Maker

Finished Product! The Cannolis!!