08 December 2010

Movie Night!

Tonight I watched Sunset Blvd. Starring Starring William Holden, Gloria Swanson, and Erich von Stroheim. The movie is about a '50s silent-movie actress, who lives in her crumbling mansion on Sunset Boulevard with her butler. A writer happens to have a flat tire in front of the house, thinking it is abandoned he goes into the house, only to discover the actress and her butler. He ends up staying at the house, and becomes her boyfriend/gigolo, and helps her with a screenplay she and written and feeds into her dreams of making a comeback. Only she is severely demented and disillusioned, thinking she is still the star she once was. The movie ends in tragedy, but this is the type of movie, where you see the ending at the beginning, and then you see the events that lead up to it.

I thought this movie was great! It had great characters and the ending was fantastic! Even thought you see the ending at the the beginning, it leaves you wondering the whole movie how it leads to the ending. I had actually seen the last scene before. Here it is for your enjoyment!


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