31 December 2010

Goodbye 2010!

John and I decided to meet in Shreveport for New Year's! We decided to go to the Horseshoe to see what they had going on. We got there a little early so I ended up sitting at a penny slot machine for a little while, turning $5 into $20!! Closer to midnight, we snuck into a rooftop party. It ended up being a little lame. It was the most anticlimactic New Year's countdown ever, but it was still exciting snicking in. They handed out champagne and I got to kiss my sweetie at midnight! It was wonderful!

At the beginning of 2010 I made a list of resolutions. I made a list of about 20 things in hopes that I could complete one of them. That may be cheating, but I thought it was a great idea. I failed at 15 and did 5!
Here is my 2010 New Year's Resolutions list.

1. Keep checkbook balanced. FAIL
2. Run 3 times a week. FAIL
3. Workout video 3 times/ week FAIL
4. Read 1 book a week FAIL
5. Eat out for lunch only once a week FAIL
6. Open savings account FAIL
7. Give blood WIN!
8. Only 2 cups coffee/ day FAIL
9. No coke FAIL
10. Recycle WIN!
11. Floss everyday FAIL
12. Take more pictures WIN!
13. Read through the Bible FAIL
14. Eat better (more organic) FAIL
15. Run a full marathon WIN!
16. Run a half once a month FAIL
17. Get 8 hrs sleep every night FAIL
18. Learn to cook better WIN! (sort of)
19. Be more organized/ keep apt clean FAIL
20. Weekly card giving FAIL

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