04 December 2010

St. Jude Marathon!!

Today was the St. Jude Marathon! My first and probably only full marathon. Here are a few pictures courteous of Can and Teresa. The best cheerleaders a friend and sister could ask for! I was so excited that they were there to cheer me on and see me run!

Before the race!

Me and Teresa before the race!

Me and Can before the race! (I'm making a goofy face)

Parker eating before the race!
(Apparently he spent the whole race eating fruit and Cheerios!)

Starting line!

In the corral, kind of like cattle! :D

Where's Waldo?

Let the race begin!

Making my 'look at me run' hands!

Beale Street!

Running past Sun Studio, the is where the race split.
Heading towards the unknown 2nd half.

Another Sun Studio picture.

Can made signs for me! This was one of them.
They were so cute, she pulled them out at the best spot!

I'm way in the back of the picture.

Look at all the runners!


I'm in this picture, behind the St. Jude face. :D

Heading towards the finish line!



Getting my medal!!

John surprised me at the finish
He woke up at 3:30 a.m. to make it to Memphis
to see me finish the race! He's the best!


John greeting me!

FYI At the end of the race, it's pretty awesome to run on the field of the Redbirds, but it's sort of cruel too, you finally finish 26.2 miles and have to walk up the stairs of the baseball stadium to get to the pizza and beer!

Me and the gang!!!!
(Parker was looking at his new BFF, John!)

With my medal!

Doing the full marathon was quite the experience.
I'm so happy I finished!


  1. So awesome! Still think it will be your one and only?? And very sweet of John surprising you! :)
