23 December 2010

Brooklyn Bridge!!

After breakfast we walked the Brooklyn Bridge! This is something I had wanted to do, so I was excited that we were going. We were told we were a little crazy, because it was winter, but it actually wasn't that bad. I had found directions on About.com, telling you what subway to take to get to the Manhattan side, and what to do once you got into Brooklyn. I felt good temperature wise until we got closer to the Brooklyn side, then the wind started to pick up.

Directions from About.com with pictures that I took:

1.Enter on the Manhattan side of the bridge, near City Hall, from Park Row and Centre Street. To get there, take the 6 train to Brooklyn Bridge-City Hall or the J train to Chambers Street.

City Hall

Me (with my eyes closed) and John

Looking towards Brooklyn

2.Go up the concrete ramp. Once you hit the wooden planks, you're officially on the bridge.

Wood on the bridge.

3.Make sure you stay clear of the bike lane! The Brooklyn Bridge is often crowded, and cyclists have little concern for meandering walkers.


34.Enjoy the views. You'll be able to see some of Manhattan's most famous structures, including the Woolworth Building and the Empire State Building, from the bridge. Don't miss the Statue of Liberty, which will appear on your right.

Me on the Brooklyn Bridge!

Joe and Mr. Paul

Bridge Picture

Bridge Picture

Sign on bridge

Another Sign

Bridge Picture

Statue of Liberty (blurry)

Picture of the City

Me, John, and Joe

Mr. Paul, Terry, John, and Joe

Urban Art on the Bridge Reconstruction

Bridge Picture

Another Bridge Picture

5.When you've had your fill of walking the Brooklyn Bridge, exit on the Brooklyn side.

6.When you exit the bridge, go south on Front Street until you hit Old Fulton Street. Turn right. Grimaldi's is located at 19 Old Fulton St.

We didn't make it to the pizza place at the end of the bridge, we were still pretty full from breakfast, but it was still a great New York experience!

1 comment:

  1. I don't guess I've ever seen a picture of Joe...cause that's now what I thought he looked like. You look all snazzy in your peacoat and hat!
