31 October 2009


I started off the day by sleeping in. Yea! It was so great, but I needed to get up because I had lots of things to get done today.

The first thing I did was clean the bathrooms.  And tried to straighten up a little.  Then I got ready to some some errands.  I went to Walmart and Northpark. I was looking for a new pair of pants to wear to work, but was unsuccessful. :(  After the shopping, I headed to Edible Arrangements!! I read somewhere if you became a fan of Edible Arrangements on Facebook they would send you a promotion code to get a free box of the chocolate dipped fruit and I won one!!! I was pretty excited about it because it was free and I had never even seen something from them. It ended up being 6 pieces for fruit: two strawberries, two slices of apple, and two flower shaped pieces of pineapple! Here are a few pictures:

The bag!

The box!

The fruit!

I decided to have one of the apple pieces first, and it was so good! This little box of fruit would have cost me $15.  Which compared to a place like Godiva, this is cheap! If I needed to buy a gift for someone I might get this. For what it is, it's relatively inexpensive and would be a unique gift.

This afternoon, I decided to go with my friend from work, Robin and her two children, to Boo at the Zoo. I was really upset with myself because I forgot my camera and my $1 off coupon at my apartment!! But by the time I realized it, it was too late to turn back.

It was lots of fun! When we first got there, I got a little worried that they had put all the animals up, but some of them were still out.  We walked over just about the whole zoo, some places twice!  They had trick or treating throughout the whole zoo for the kids.  I even managed to get a few pieces.  We got there right when it started, and left before it got dark. Although we missed a few of the bigger events, I was grateful, it was going to get really crowded (people were having trouble finding parking). And I was glad we left when we did.

Later tonight I rented another Redbox movie (I had a free code) and I rented The Way We Were.

Staring Barbara Streisand and Robert Redford. This movie was always on the "classic" movies you need to see, so I thought I would get it. I thought this movie was depressing. The ending was sad, if you're in the mood for a good cry, I would recommend it.

I ended the night at Cups. I had received an e-mail with a promotion code to get $10 off the Rock 'n' Roll New Orleans Half Marathon, and it expired at midnight on Halloween. So I'm registered for this half-marathon!!! I very excited about this one, because it's going to be flat flat flat!!! Yea!

30 October 2009

Thankful It's Friday!

Although I wasn't at work on Monday, this has been a very long week. And today was a long day. Today was a late Friday and therefore had to work until 5:00 p.m.  I know I shouldn't complain but when you get used to getting off early a few Friday's in a row, it's still a little hard when it's your turn to stay late.  But I made it through...

After work my sister came over because she wanted to carve pumpkins, something I had never done, and was a little reluctant about doing.  We went out to eat first and then went back to my apartment to carve our pumpkins.  I decided on a monster and Teresa decided on the haunted house.  It was a little gross at first, trying to gut my pumpkin, but got a lot better when it was my turn for the pumpkin scraper tool.  It was frustrating and fun all at the same time.  And it took forever, but I was very pleased with the finished product.
Here are a few pictures:

Getting her pumpkin open!


Finished with the stenciling!

Carefully cutting it out!

Finished product!



Today I also got my first Netflix movie in the mail!! Yea! The movie I got was Away We Go staring John Krasinski and Maya Rudolph.

I loved this movie!! It's about a couple who find out they are expecting their first child. They decided they want to move and find a place to raise the child.  They embark on a cross country search of the perfect place to call home.  Visiting old friends and relatives along the way. And discovering a perfect place to call home on their own.  I would definitely recommend this movie to my friends. It made me laugh and cry the whole movie, and finished with a happy ending.

29 October 2009

I Saved a Life Today!

I was able to give blood today! Yea! I was on Twitter yesterday and saw that today was the day the Halloween shirts would be given out. I had heard they were also, going to be giving away Carter Jewelry gift card, but turns out is was a grab bag of cheap cheap cheap jewelry. It's a bracelet in a Carter Jewelry box but I doubt it was ever anything they sold in their store! Haha! And I didn't get the Halloween t-shirt. I ended us getting a breast cancer shirt (which actually fit me) Yea! This is what it looks like:

I was a little bit late for work but it worked out fine, I took a short lunch (had Time Out’s bowtie pasta with grilled chicken ((so good)) but didn't leave work until almost 6:00 p.m.!! Work was not that bad today until about 4:15 p.m. when a parent came in and wanted to talk about her child’s loans. The parent didn't leave until about 5:45 p.m.!!! It was terrible! If she hadn't of left when she did, my job was going to be in jeopardy, I had a few choice words for her. She only listened to half of what I was telling her and just wanted to talk about her money woes. But I held my tongue, and cured my irritation by treating myself to some wine!

I ended the night with laundry, Grey's Anatomy, and Private Practice! It turned out to be a productive night!

28 October 2009

Half Marathon Training Starts Today!

I messed up a little with my training.  Time really got away from me and I didn't realized how many weeks weren't left until the St. Jude Half Marathon on December 5th. I really should have started my training two weeks ago, but I think it's going work out, I've done this before :).  I have a very strict training plan between now and then.  There will be no easy weeks!! Here is what my schedule looks like:

Today I joined Netflix. A friend from work gave me a code to get a free month! I figured I would give it a try. My thought was to see how much I actually use it during this free month and then decide weather it's worth the $9 each month to continue. 

We'll see if this is any good....

After work I went to Walgreen's to drop off my Redbox movie, earlier in the day I found a code to get a free night free is you use it at a Walgreen's.  I decided on Bedtime Stories, starring Adam Sandler.

I thought this movie was very cute but Adam Sandler is a little bit silly. I probably would not recommend this to everyone; it is defiantly more of a little kids movie. But if you are in the mood for good clean movie, this is a good one.

27 October 2009

Back to Mississippi and First Day Back!


With all good things, they come to an end.  And the great weekend, came to an end very very early yesterday morning.  Our flight out of Harrisburg was at 6:00 a.m., which meant we needed to be at the airport at 5:00 a.m., which meant we needed to leave my aunt and uncles house by 4:15 a.m. I have learned a valuable lesson for this early morning experience, pay the extra money to leave later in the morning. 

Because John needed to get back to Pittsburgh anyway, he was able to take us to the airport. I was really sad when he dropped us off, but very grateful for the long weekend with him!!

Picture of me and John at the reception.

Getting back to Mississippi was exhausting. From Harrisburg to Atlanta was fine, it was the getting from Atlanta to Jackson that was so bad. Once we landed to Atlanta, we saw that the game that we were leaving out of only 4 gates down! Yea! So we grabbed something to eat and were going to settle down for the next 2 hours. Then we realized the gate had been changed, but it was only about 3 gates down. Once there we discovered we need to which concourses, from C to E. I thought this a little odd because that is the main concourse for international flights. Once we were in E, the sign said to go back to C. So we did.... Then when we were back at C it said to go to E. So no matter where we looked the gate was different!!! Finally I asked (something I should have done in the beginning!) And the lady I talked to confirmed that we did need to be in concourse E!!! So after much scurrying around and a flight delay we finally got back to Mississippi!

Once back in Jackson, we decided to stop for a quick bite to eat, before I took them home. While I was gathering the things I had left at my Mom's house, she called my Gramma, to tell her that we were home. When my mom was finished talking to my Gramma, my Gramma wanted to talk to me. She wanted me to go to Walmart for her on my back to my apartment. Even though I was exhausted to the point of not thinking straight, I went and picked up the things she needed. I took the things to her and promised to tell her all about the wedding later.

While at Walmart, I decided to treat myself to a Redbox movie. I decided on The Wrestler. Several people had told me it was more of a guy movie, but that it was really good, so it would be good to watch.

Before I watched the movie, I unpacked about half my suitcase and then took a much needed nap! I slept from about 2:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. and the only reason I woke up then, was because my mom call me. There is no telling when I would have slept until!

When I was up about again, I finally took a shower and cleaned a little. Then, I fixed myself some supper and watched the movie.

The Wrestler, starring Mickey Rourke and Marisa Tomeia was excellent. It was like Rocky, only better and sadder. Although it lasted almost 2 hrs, it thought the movie when by really fast and was over before I knew it. It was a sad portrayal of a broken down wrestler and the things he endured in his life. I would recommend this movie to some of my girlfriends but mostly to my guy friends. I enjoyed it, but know some of my girlfriends that would not like it. Overall I would give it two thumbs up!


Today it was time to go back to work... I just knew today was going to be a bad day, when I got to work and then realized that I had forgotten the keys to my desk at my apartment.  Even though I only like 5 minutes away now, I was still annoyed with myself for forgetting them.

Although I had a rough start, the rest of the day turned out fine. After work, I went to Kroger to get a few things I need and to get the things to make the dip I'm taking to the Halloween party! I also, stopped by Walgreen's to drop off The Wrestler and decided to get another movie, Bottle Shock.  It sounded interesting and it had Alan Rickman and Bill Pullman in it, so I figured it wouldn't be that bad.

I thought this was a great movie. It made me want to go to Napa, sit in the sun, and drink wine! Bottle Shock was set in 1973. Alan Rickman's character owns a wine shop in Paris and decided to hold a blind taste test, using wines he found in California and the wines from Paris. His goal was to enlighten Parisians on the fact that other people can make really great wine besides them. The movie was very interesting, they explained some of the science of making wine and what all goes into it. A movie I would recommend to any friend who enjoys a nice glass of wine!

::Side note: Halloween Party got cancelled :( ::

25 October 2009

Last day in PA! :(

Today was our last day in PA....

We went to church with my Aunt Mary Ellen and Uncle Emery. I had not been yet and was excited to see the choir my Uncle Emery is choir director of, he had also told us before that the hand bell choir was also going to perform.  It was a lovely service and the hand bells were great!

Went the service was over, we decided to go back to my aunt and uncle's house to eat leftovers.  I had so of the pulled pork for the day before and it was just as good as the first time!

After lunch, some people took naps while everyone else just hung out and watched TopGear! I had only seen clips of the shop, but watching the while thing was pretty entertaining.

After everyone was well rested, we went to Lititz, PA. We were trying to go to the Wilbur Chocolate Company, but turns out it's closed on Sunday's. We were able to buy some chocolate anyway which I was really excited about.  What I got were the dark chocolate Wilbur buds. They sort of look like a Hersey’s Kiss but are way better!

For supper, my aunt and uncle had one of their good friend's over, Gene Oliver. We started out with cheese & crackers, and white wine (per Gene's liking). And then we had hot dogs and potatoes (that I made). It was a very nice evening and a great way to end a great weekend!

24 October 2009

The Wedding!!

Today was the big day. We started the day by sleeping in a little! Yea! And then Uncle Dan had a special brunch. It included immediate family and two of his closest friends, Dick and Billie. It was at a cute 50's looking dinner. Just about everyone had breakfast. I had bacon and cheese quiche, with fruit and 2 blueberry muffins. It was so good.

After breakfast, we were able to rest a little before we had to be at the church. It was nice to have a little downtime before we had to go and to be able to take our time getting ready.

Picture of the ladies!

We arrived at the church about a hour early. My mom, sister, and I were responsible for passing out programs, and getting people to sign a matting. (John saved our seats while we were doing this.)

The wedding started at 3:00 p.m. It was a wonderful ceremony! Uncle Dan and Jen's vows were the sweetest I have ever heard. Their wedding was non-traditional and custom to fit Uncle Dan and Jen's personalities. One of the best parts was at the end of the ceremony when the preacher announced the groom and bride as married, He said, "I now introduce the 'new & improved' Jen Meyer and Dan East!" It was funny and sweet all the same time!

After the ceremony, as everyone was leaving the church, they had some stones set up on a table with a huge ornate bowl. So everyone left the church, you were supposed to take the stone, and place it in the bowl with your warm wishes for the bride and groom. It was great idea, and now every time they come home, they will think of everyone that was there for their big day.

There was also lots of picture taking after the ceremony! I only got a couple, I'm depending on other family to get more to show my Gramma. Here is a picture of Jen and Uncle Dan:

The reception was held one of Jen and Uncle Dan's favorite restaurants, The Pressroom. By the time we got to the restaurant from taking pictures, the room was packed and my mom, sister, John, and I almost didn't find a seat together. The dinner was very good. It was buffet style. They let each table go one at a time. Our table was one of the first tables to get to go. And i was so grateful! I was starving by the time were able to eat. I tried just about everything they offered. It was a baked chicken breast (with a champagne sauce) or beef tips with rice... I had a little of both! It was very good. But what I was really interested in was the dessert. Instead of a wedding cake, Jen and Uncle Dan picked their favorite dessert for the restaurant, a Black and Tan. It was a brownie layered with cheese cake, ice cream, hard shell chocolate, and a strawberry on top! It was divine! Another neat thing at the reception was the two man jazz band. There was a very hip bassist and a piano man, it were awesome! Here are a few pictures:

The New and Improved: Uncle Dan and Jen

"We're married!!!"

All of the family!

The Wedding Cake

Jazz Band

23 October 2009

Rehearsal Dinner!

The main event today was the rehearsal and the rehearsal dinner...

But before then we did several things as well.  We woke up and had breakfast around 9:30 a.m. We were trying to get to the market by 10:00 a.m. All the family in town wanted to go to the market and do some shopping. 

By the time we got back to my aunt and uncle's house, more family had arrived in town. We all sat around visiting for a while while Uncle Emery fixed hot dogs and Bratwurst.  We all sat around eating and visiting. It was nice getting to visit with everyone.  And the food was great!

Once everyone was stuffed, we all caravaned over to my Uncle Dan and Jen's new house.  I had already seen it yesterday, but went to see it with everyone else. While we were there everyone was taking lots of pictures. Everyone in this family has a camera and everyone was taking lots of pictures.  The best picture I got was a picture on my mom, Aunt Mary Ellen, Aunt Betty Gene, and Uncle Dan.  All the siblings together!!

Here's the picture:

After we had all looked at the house, half the family went sight seeing and the rest of us went back to my aunt and uncle's house to take naps! We were go tired.

We napped for about a hour and then got to get ready for the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. The rehearsal was nice, they only read out a few things that would be said tomorrow at the wedding. And for the sound of it the wedding is going to be a tear jerker! It's going to be a very sweet wedding.

When the rehearsal was over, we headed to Carr's Restaurant, where the dinner was held.  The visited for a little while and then found seats. My mom, sister, John, and I ended up at a table all by ourselves.  It was alright. There were so many good choices for dinner, it was hard for me to decide.  But I finally settled on the salmon with a creamy crab sauce on top. It was so delicious!! I was so stuffed when I was done, and we still had to eat dessert!! I got the espresso torte! It was super chocolate and I ate it all up!

22 October 2009

Lancaster, PA - Dinner with the Family!

So we made it to Lancaster, PA. My mom, sister, and I had to be at the airport at 5:00 a.m. and arrived in PA round 11:30 a.m.... that's 10:30 a.m. Mississippi time. Even though it was an early start to the day, I for thankful how short the trip was!

My Uncle Emery picked us up and the Harrisburg airport and then took us to his house in Lancaster.  Once we got there we headed out to lunch where my Aunt Mary Ellen joined us.  We went to Issac's Restaurant.  I had a pizza which was delicious!! It had a horseradish sauce, with shrimp and mozzarella.  After lunch we all laid down and took naps. It was wonderful and needed.

After our nap, my Aunt Mary Ellen and Uncle Emery took us to look at my Uncle Dan and Jen's new house. It was gorgeous!  For two people it was a little bitty mansion.  But I thought it was justified.  Both my Uncle Dan and Jen had both lived alone for so long it would be quite a shock to move into a starter house and they have earned it!!

For supper, more of the family came in town, most of which were from Mississippi.  Most everyone that was there I had seen recently but it was still great to see them all.  And it was a little crazy having everyone in one place all they way in PA though! I also got to meet Dick and Billie, two on my Uncle Dan's best friends.  I had heard a lot about them and it was great to get to meet them.

Other great news... John came to town! Yea! He was planning to come to the wedding, but was not going to be able to make it until after the rehearsal dinner tomorrow night. But turns out he had to do some work in Pittsburgh, PA and was able to come down tonight, so now he will be at the rehearsal dinner and I get almost two more days with him! Yea!!!

Will post pictures later.....

21 October 2009

Packed and Ready to Go!!

So my bag is packed and I am ready to go.  I'm taking 3 days off from work to go to Pennsylvania. Tomorrow morning at 6:20 a.m., my mom, sister, and I will be on our way to Lancaster, PA for my Uncle Dan's wedding. (This is my mom's brother).  We should be in PA by lunch time if our flights are all on time.  I'm really looking forward to this weekend!! I'm going to get to visit with lots of family and John is coming in town for the wedding too!!!!  Yea!!

Will make sure to post recaps and pictures soon!

20 October 2009

Getting Ready for My Trip!

Today I had to be at work at 6:00 a.m. It wasn't so bad and I got to leave work a little early!!

Tonight I was supposed to go running with my running group, but decided I needed to get home and start packing. I didn't get anything in my suitcase, but everything is laid out, ready to go... It takes me forever to pack, I'm always afraid I'll forget something or I won't bring enough clothes!!

Tonight, I also cooked! I haven’t been able to cook much since I moved into my apartment and it was a lot of fun. It wasn’t anything big, just some backed chicken and potatoes, and some salad. But it was really good!!

19 October 2009

Case of the Mondays!

Today went by so quick; I was just not in the mood to be at work. I was still recovering from the weekend, and all I could think about was all I needed to do when I got off work to great ready to my Uncle Dan's wedding this weekend. Yes, I’m already planning for the weekend. It’s going to be a 3 day week for me. I will be leaving early on Thursday and not getting back until Monday.

After work I went to Target to get some airplane friendly toiletries. Only to get home and realize I had forgotten contact solution! Ugh!

Once I got home, I washed some clothes that I wanted to take with my to the wedding. I also had to search through several boxes until I found a sweater I was looking for. And I found it! Yea! I didn't get near as much done as I wanted but it was better than nothing!

18 October 2009

Weekend Fun!!!


Friday was a very easy day at work. I got to work at 8:00 a.m. to help set some things out for the Bosses Breakfast. It turned out great and the bosses were excited about what we had done for them. I had two major things I needed to get done and then I was able to leave early! At about 12:00 p.m.!!!! Yea!

This gave me time to go to the fair with my sister before Candice, Louis, and Parker came into town.

I called my sister as soon as I got off work, asking her to get to my apartment as soon as she could so we could get to the fair before 1:00 p.m. At 1:00 p.m. you have to pay to get into the fair. I was trying my best to avoid this. She made it to my apartment at 12:40 p.m., giving us just 20 minutes before they started to charge you to get in. I thought we weren’t going to make it; the traffic light to turn into the fair grounds has the shortest traffic light!!!! Lucky we made it just in time. And we got a great parking spot close too, close to the Trade Mart! We only spent about an hour and a half walking around and getting some lunch. But I was glad we got to go. I got a beef kabob and a deep fried Snicker bar. The kabob was great, but the Snickers wasn't very good this year.

We left and got back to my apartment about 2:45 p.m., giving me time to tidy up a little before my company arrived. Candice spent the weekend with me, while Louis took Parker with him to visit with his parents in Petal. Louis was able to stay and visit a little while before he had to get back on the road.

Karen and Collin also came over so we could go out to dinner. We decided to go the simple route and ate at Abner's. We went to the one near Northpark and it was a much better experience then I had at the one in Brandon. The food was much better (not so much with the service).

After we were done with supper, Collin left us so we could have a girl’s night!! Karen and Candice were both going to stay at my apartment so was could talk about wedding plans. We decided to go to Northpark and look at dresses at Belk's for some ideas. After a few short minutes, we decided that it was not the best idea. Karen had a pretty good idea that she wanted the bridesmaids to be in black and white dresses so we decided the best place to go was the Black & White store. We tried on several dresses, trying to get ideas of what would look good, but didn't really find the dress. Because all the stores were about to close and because I don't have internet yet we headed to Cups so we could look for bridesmaids dresses online. We stayed there until almost 11:00 p.m. (when they close!); finding several cute dresses but still not a winner.

So, we took the party to my apartment, looking at magazines and talking until after 1:00 a.m. Karen did find a dress she really liked for the bridesmaids and we found out they carried the dress at A Southern Affair! We found out they opened at 10:00 a.m. and decided that would be out first stop on Saturday...


Saturday we woke up early, around 7:30 a.m. I fixed us some breakfast before we got started...

Our first stop: A Southern Affair in Highland Village.

We weren't sure if they would even see us without an appointment, but decided to try. We got there not long after they opened at 10:00 a.m. Lucky there was no one else in there yet. Karen told them about the dress we had found the night before in the magazine and they had the sample. We looked a round a little bit more found a couple more dresses that we all liked. I tired on two of them and we liked both of them. One of them, was possible THE dress for the bridesmaids. Karen was also able to try on a couple of dresses! It was so exciting to see her in a Bridal gown!! About that time, people with actual appointments started to show up so we left. We had lots of fun there. The sales girls were so nice and helpful.

We decided (almost against Karen's wishes) to go in David's Bridal. We got there and walked into what felt like a mad house. It was so crowded. Candice and I found several dresses that we wanted to try on, only to be told it would be 30 minutes before we would be able to try them on. So we left.

Karen and I had to be at a baby shower, so we all when out for a quick lunch. After lunch, I dropped Candice off at my apartment so I could drive to Brandon for Samantha's baby shower. It was fun! I got to see several people that I hadn't seen in years.

I left the shower a little early so I could get back to my apartment. Candice's sister Jeniveve is in the band at Holmes Community College and was that night. Their games are usually on Thursdays, but because it was the homecoming game it was on Saturday. We made our way to Homes CC. We got into the game free!! And we also got a good seat right next to the band were we could visit with Jen. We left a little after half-time because we were so tired!

By the time we got back to my apartment we were exhausted! We had a long, but fun day and had accomplished a lot. We made it to bed about 11:00 p.m.


About 4:30 a.m., Candice got a phone call. It was Andrea, and she was in labor. She was supposed to have a scheduled C-section on Wednesday, but Baby K decided to make an early appearance. I knew Candice really wanted to go, and after a little brain storming, we decided to make a day trip to see the baby! It was a crazy short trip, but we got to see the baby!!

Andrea, John, and Baby!!

Me holding the Baby!

Since we were in Memphis, Candice was able to get the dogs from camp and put them in the house. This way Louis wouldn't have to rush leaving his parents house. After Louis and Parker made it to Jackson, we went out to lunch. Karen and Collin joined us to visit. It was a long but great weekend! I still can't believe how much we crammed into one weekend. But it was a lot of fun and I wouldn't have done it any other way!!

15 October 2009

Rain, Rain, Rain!!

My day (the short version):

1. Supposed to be at work at 6:00 a.m.
2. Overslept - didn't get to work until close to 7:00 a.m.
3. Talked with co-workers about Bosses Day being tomorrow.
4. Decided to do a breakfast tomorrow for everyone (couldn't pick a gift for the bosses).
5. Got to leave work early at 4:00 p.m. Yea!
6. Went to Hallmark to get Bosses Day cards.
7. Went to Walmart to pick something up for Gramma.
8. Visited with my Gramma.
9. Visited with cousins from Georgia that came to visit Gramma.
10. Went to Kroger to pick up fruit, cups, forks, and cinnamon bread for breakfast tomorrow.
11. Cut up lots of fruit!
12. Watched Flash Forward, Grey's Anatomy, and Private Practice.
13. Read some.
14. Cleaned for my company that was coming in town.
15. Went to bed!!

It also rained a lot today!!! So tired of the rain!!! Ugh!

14 October 2009


Today was starting out to be a crummy day and then I got a call from the front office, saying that I have something there for me that I needed to pick up. I just knew it was going to be flowers. And it was!! John sent me flowers... just because! Awww! Here are a couple of pics:

I left them at work so I can enjoy them the rest of the week. Then will take them home so my company can enjoy them this weekend!

Tonight was the season premier of Nip/Tuck! This is supposible the last season, so I figured they would go all out. Tonights episode was a bit of a let down, but for the looks of the previews, it looks like it should get a lot better! We'll see!

::Side Note:: I thought this was going to be the final season but, I found out from my friend Kendra, there will be a 7th season!! Yea!

13 October 2009

The Sofa and Loveseat are In!!!

My sofa and loveseat were delieved today!! Here are a few pics of them:



The set!
I was very excited about getting them in. My apartment feels so homey now!! I didn't really get to enjoy them much today, because I had to work late. Then Karen and Collin got some friends together to talk about their great news over supper. Their engagement. It was lots of fun, and I was excited about seeing the ring in person.

After supper Karen, Collin, and my sister came over to look at my new furniture! I had a little cheesecake left and served that for dessert. By the time they left it was just about time for bed. I was able to sit on my couches for a little while though and it was wonderful!!

12 October 2009

Rainy Monday!

Today was a long rainy day. I worked from 7:30 a.m. until almost 5:30 p.m... without a lunch break! And it's probably not going to slow down anytime soon. But I am thankful to still have a job!! Yea!

After work I went home to try to get some boxes unpacked and to clear off a spot for my new couches!!! Will post pictures tomorrow!

11 October 2009

Boring Sunday!

Today was a pretty uneventful day...

1. Got up.
2. Unpacked some.
3. Read some.
4. Worked out.
5. Cleaned some.
6. Fixed lunch.
7. Cleaned some more.
8. Walked on track.
9. Went to Cups.
10. Unpacked even more.
12. Fixed dinner.
11. Went to bed.

Not ready for the weekend to be over... This week is going to be rough!!

10 October 2009

I Found It!!

Today I decided to go ahead and go to Miskelly's Furniture... I was a little reluctant to go there because I knew the prices were going to be outrageous. But I ended up finding a sofa and loveseat for a really great price!! I was a little nervous about it, because this is the biggest furniture purchase I've ever made. And it didn't help my nerves any when I was trying to do the paper work for the 12 months no interest plan. The lady who helped me, ran my credit and it came back with an application pending status. So we had to go the the financing desk and wait for a confirmation fax. This was supposed to only take 5 minutes, but it turned into almost 30 minutes of waiting. But in the end it all turned out fine and I was approved.
I will get them on Tuesday and I can hardly wait!! Yea! Even though I've only been there a week, I'm tired of walking into a bare room and sitting on the floor to watch the t.v. Here they are:



09 October 2009

Friday Night!

And the quest for the perfect couch continues...  This afternoon I went to the Ashley Furniture Store.  I had high hopes that today would be the day that I found a couch I liked.  I found two sets I really like!

Couch 1

Couch 2

So, I was very excited to not only find a set I liked but two!! Couch #1 was very cute and comfortable, but in the end, I decided that I might get tired of the baby blue. Couch #2 was the one I was leaning towards. It looked really nice and it was on super super sale... I got my hopes all up about getting this couch. I was waiting for the sales man to see if they had them in stock, only to find out they didn't have the loveseat in stock anymore. The floor model was the only one they had. The sales man and I looked over the couch and saw nothing wrong with it, but I didn't feel very good about buying it at the price they wanted. (Even though it was on super sale.) So I tried to bargain with him, and see if they could take anymore off the price, only to get a no :( I was pretty bummed, but decided in the end to leave the store. He gave me his card and a ticket with information about the couch, in case I decided to come back, but I'm thinking it's still going to be a no. I just can't pay the price they want for a couch that had been sitting in the store and sat on by so many people.

So the quest continues...

08 October 2009

Dinner With My Sister and Grey's!!

Tonight, I invited my sister over for dinner and to watch Grey's! We made pizza's out of biscuits and salad to go with it...

We watched Flash Forward and Grey's Anatomy. I still haven't decided weather I like Flash Forward or not. It's okay, but I just wonder where they are going with everything. But Grey's Anatomy, was wonderful!! I am way to attached to this show, but it's just so great!! And this weeks episode seemed to go by way to fast!

For dessert, we had cheesecake! For a housewarming gift, Teresa made me a cheesecake and got me a copy of the movie Twilight!!! I was so excited! Here is a picture of the cheesecake! (I should have taken the cover off!) Haha!

07 October 2009

In Search of the Perfect Couch!

So... I've been looking for a couch for about a week... and have found nothing.

I've been to the Room Store and T & D Furniture, looking for a couch and love seat. Everything that I look at is either cute and uncomfortable or ugly and feels great! There are a few more places I want to look but I'm running out of options.

This is sort of what I'm looking for... (not necessarily in these colors)



And I really like this chair!

Last night's Jacktown Rundown!

Last night was a meeting for the running club I'm a member of... I was pretty tried last night and really hoping it was going to get rained out, but no such luck. It was poring rain on my way to Fenian's (our meeting place), but by the time I got there it had stopped. I decided to just do the two mile course instead of the four miler. And was I glad I did. Just went we were finishing, the bottom fell out!!

Once the run was over, I was glad it didn't get rained out. I felt like I had actually accomplished something and had earned my dinner.

Here's a picture taken at dinner (I think I look a little funny in this pic, but here it is haha!)

I also completed day two of Insanity! I got up early before work to get it done!! Yea!

05 October 2009

Insanity Take 3 and Dinner!!

So, I started Insanity over again for the third time... today was just the fit test. Hopefully I can actually make it through the whole thing this time without interruption.

I got up and did my Insanity video before work, thinking after work I would go couch shopping. While at work, I got a message for a friend inviting me over for dinner and to watch Dancing with the Stars and scrapbooking. I don't watching Dancing with the Stars, but figured dinner with friends would be fun!

So Karen and I met over at our friend Jessica's house for supper. Jessica fixed a real feast! She grilled salmon... it was the biggest piece of salmon I had ever seen! She even made a homemade teriyaki sauce to put on top of it. It was so delicious! Possibly the best salmon I had ever eaten!! She also served baked vegetables and salad. And to top it off she had a tangerine cake for desert! I'm going to have to start practicing my cooking skill if I ever want to come close to preparing a meal that good!

We didn’t get any scrapbooking done but dinner was wonderful and Dancing with the Stars wasn't too bad!

04 October 2009

Apartment on Display.... Already!!


I woke up around 5:30 a.m. to try and get some last minute things done at my Mom's house. I was getting excited about the move and even more excited that the weather was going to be wonderful!! The moving process started around 8:00 a.m.!  We started at my Gramma's house, getting all the furniture from her house and then moving on to my mom's house to get the rest. Amazingly enough we were done moving all the furniture into my apartment by 10:30 a.m.!!! I couldn't believe it only took 2 1/2 hours! I was thinking it would take until at least 12:00 p.m. but we were done BEFORE lunch!

We all stood around talking until about 11:00 a.m. when half the moving party had to leave to do other things... luckily some of them stayed around and let me take them to lunch. And were did we go... Hooter's! Ha! I thought it was funny taking my Mom to Hooter's (I don't think she will ever go back though).

Everyone left around 2:00 p.m. at which time I said a little cheer! The moving was done and I was finally in a place of my own!!!  I got started setting things up the way that I wanted them... mainly working on the kitchen, laying down shelf liner and watching the State / GA Tech game.

I finally decided to take a break around 4:30 p.m. and make my first Kroger run! It was pretty fun... I got enough groceries to last me a little while and it didn't hurt my bank account too much. Haha!

I came home from Kroger, got everything put away and started back on the setting up process. My goal was to get all the beds made and all the boxes in the room where they would be unpacked. This did not happen... around 10:30 p.m. I was beat and went to bed.


My Gramma wanted to come over to see my new apartment (even though I had just moved in the day before). I wanted to make it look good for her, so I woke up around 7:00 a.m. to get started again.  I did everything I could before I needed to meet my Gramma, mom, and sister for lunch and was very excited about the progress I had made!!

I met the family at Raising Cane's and then we heading to my apartment. (Me making a stop at Newk's to get something to serve for dessert)!

They were all very impressed with the progress I had made in just one day and so was I!! Here are a few pictures to show my progress:

Living Room (Can you guess the movie I'm watching?)

Dining Room

Guest Room

Guest Room

My Bedroom

My Bedroom