28 November 2013

Thanksgiving Turduckenen-duckenen

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Bridget Jones Mad About the Boy!

BOOK SUMMARY: It’s been 15 years since readers first met the charmingly insecure Bridget Jones, and 13 since her last adventure in Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason. Bridget is now 51, and, most readers will be chagrined to learn, a widow. She is also raising the two children she had with the now deceased Mark Darcy and gingerly wading back into the dating pool while working on a screenplay. When she joins Twitter, she obsesses about the number of Twitter followers she has the same way she used to agonize over her weight, which does remains a concern. Bridget begins a Twitter flirtation with a sexy guy named Roxster, who turns out to be only 29. Most of the novel is devoted to the ups and downs of their ensuing relationship. It is fun to revisit Bridget and all her neuroses, but the novel is at its best when Fielding focuses on the challenges Bridget faces as a single parent, including her love/hate relationship with one of her son’s teachers, rather than on the somewhat unrealistic May-December romance.

I snagged a copy of this kindle book from the library. It was my "deer camp" read. I enjoyed the first two book and this was did not disappoint. It was a quick and funny (sometimes serious) read and I enjoyed it from start to finish!

Thanksgivng in Bandara, TX!

John and I went to his deer camp in Bandera, TX for the Thanksgiving Holidays. This was my first real hunting experience. It was actually a lot of fun! We didn't get anything, but it was fun to sit in the deer stand and watch all the deer come out. Seeing the sunset and rise (I only went to one morning hunt). Being outside when it was so quite and actually being able to see the stars.

Deer Camp

John's Deer Stand 

View to the feeders

Deer Feeders


It had been nasty the first day. It was so nice to see the sun!

Beautiful Hills of Bandara, TX

More hills

More hills

On Wednesday, John took me to Fredericksburg,TX to visit some winery's. We went several places to try some wine, but never made it to the winery's. I posted the picture below on Instagram, and it turned out some girlfriends of ours were coming to Fredericksburg for a Thanksgiving/girls trip! We hung out with them for the rest of the day and mainly hung out at the beer gardens. We also made a trip to Luckenback, TX! 

Christmas Pyramid 

Drinking German Beer

For out Thanksgiving meal, John smoked a turkey!

I made the stuffing and green bean casserole. I had everything in the oven cooking. I was just sitting on the couch, reading, and I heard a weird noise. I looked in the kitchen at the oven and all I saw was orange in the window! I carefully opened the oven, and the heading element was going out! I called for John and he immediately turned off the oven, it was officially broken. Everything had only been in the oven about 5 minutes, so I had to cook everything on the stove top. I was a little panicked, but everything still turned out great!

Our Thanksgiving feast!

11th Street Cowboy Bar, Bandara, TX. This was one of the hot spots in town.

This was at Arkey Blue's Silver Dollar Saloon. 
It was in a basement and had a saw dust dance floor. 

A ring tail cat. I really wanted to pet it, but changed my mind at the noise it made when I got close to it.

John saw this on his game camera, we really wanted to see it in person, but it never came out for us. 
It's called an Aoudad.

27 November 2013

Luckenbach, TX!

Tonight we went to Luckenback, TX! It was about 10 minutes from Fredericksburg, TX. There was a little band there playing. It was my kind of place. It wasn't to crowded, the music was just loud enough were you could listen and still hear the person next to you without screaming. And they had cold beer.
Here are some pictures...

Picture with the girls.

19 November 2013

Catching Fire Reread!

Finished rereading Catching Fire! Just in time to see the movie this weekend!

The Cuckoo's Calling

The Cuckoo's Calling is a 2013 crime fiction novel by J. K. Rowling, published under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith. A brilliant mystery in a classic vein: Detective Cormoran Strike investigates a supermodel's suicide.
After losing his leg to a land mine in Afghanistan, Cormoran Strike is barely scraping by as a private investigator. Strike is down to one client, and creditors are calling. He has also just broken up with his longtime girlfriend and is living in his office.
Then John Bristow walks through his door with an amazing story: His sister, thelegendary supermodel Lula Landry, known to her friends as the Cuckoo, famously fell to her death a few months earlier. The police ruled it a suicide, but John refuses to believe that. The case plunges Strike into the world of multimillionaire beauties, rock-star boyfriends, and desperate designers, and it introduces him to every variety of pleasure, enticement, seduction, and delusion known to man.
You may think you know detectives, but you've never met one quite like Strike. You may think you know about the wealthy and famous, but you've never seen them under an investigation like this.

I picked up this book mostly because it was really written by J.K. Rowling. (She published it under the name Robert Galbraith, then it accidentally leaked she was the writer.)  I normally don't read crime novels, but this one was actually okay. It has lots of slow moments (Harry Potter was much faster paced) and had a crazy ending. But overall I really enjoyed it. There is a sequel coming out next year, should be good!

09 November 2013

Homebrew Competition!

I have several friends who are members of a Homebrew Association of Middle Mississippi. This weekend they has a competition and I got to help. I got to be a Steward. This is the person that takes beer to the judges and makes sure they have score sheets, crackers, water, and ect... It was so much fun and interesting to watch. I also got one of these cool pint glasses!