30 September 2009


until I can move into my apartment....

Tonight I made a trip to Wal-mart to get things I will need to set up house... three hours later I was done and about $175 poorer.  This did include new dishes (on sale)!! And gift cards for the guys that are helping me move. Given every thing I got, I think I did pretty good!

Here are my new dishes!!!

29 September 2009


day left until I move into my apartment!!! I didn't get much packing done tonight... maybe tomorrow night will be better!

On a side note: I got to watch the end of the Biggest Loser... and all I have to say about it is Tracey has to go!!!!!

28 September 2009

27 September 2009

Boxes and Redbox!!

Today, I spent all day packing up boxes... Packing, packing, and more packing. I got a lot done and was proud of my progress. I only have 4 more day until I can start moving my things in.  I can't believe it's almost here!

While I did some packing, my sister brought home a Redbox movie to watch. Ghosts of Girlfriends Past staring Jennifer Garner and Matthew McConaughey! I was a really cute movie! It was It's a Wonderful Life meets A Christmas Carol! I was a little silly but it's a good movie if you are in the mood for a chick flick!

26 September 2009

MSU vs. LSU! The good and the bad...

The bad:
1. We lost.
2. The rain.
3. The mud
The good:
1. We played great! (despite the lose)
2. The rain stopped!
3. Can home with great MSU loot!

25 September 2009

Starkville Bound!

Today I made my way to Starkville to meet Candice, Andrea and John. Candice, along with Parker, got there a little before 5:00 p.m.  We met at the band hall were we could visit and try to see the band rehearsal. It was lots of fun. The funniest things that happened was watching Parker... between watching the band and playing in the grass, he looked like he was loving it all!!

Candice and I went out to eat at Sweet Peppers!! It was delicious! Then we had our tailgate supply shopping trip at Wal-mart! We sort of over did it a little with the desserts but we had fun doing it.  By this time Andrea and John had gotten in town and we were exhausted!

24 September 2009

Grey's is back!!!

I was so excited today because the Grey's Anatomy season premier is on tonight! And a new show Flash Forward premiered.

I was excited about watching Flash Forward as well... they have been previewing it for a while and I was curious about what is was all about. Several of the actors from Lost are on this show and I thought it was pretty funny that they showed a billboard for Oceanic Airlines! I didn't think Flash Forward was from the creators of Lost, but I still thought it was pretty funny that they included it! This show is about the whole world blacking out for several minutes and seeing a glimpse into what will happen six months from now. I thought it was pretty good, we'll see how long they can keep this show interesting...

And then Grey's!!!!

I was so excited about Grey's and it didn't disappoint! It was so much better then last years season primer... I had seen a preview of the show on ABC's website and had hope that they were not going to kill George off, but no such luck. I spent most of this episode on the verge of tears... watching everyone come to terms with George’s death and all the other personal things they were dealing with. I thought it was pretty rough. I was emotional exhausted when it was over. But I thought it was great and I can't wait until next week!!!

23 September 2009

Long Day...

What a long day... I had to be at work at 6:00 a.m and didn't leave until after 5:00 p.m. Tomorrow should be better..

Something that made my day better... Fall T.V. show are back!!!

Tonight I decided to try two new shows... Mercy on NBC and Eastwick on ABC.

NBC canceled ER and replaced it with ::drum roll:: a hospital drama called Mercy. I am a sucker for doctor/hospital show and decided to give it a try. It's about a girl who has come back to work after a tour of duty in Iraq. I think it's going to be pretty good! It made me laugh and want to cry, signs that this may be a great new drama!!

ABC also had a new show out tonight that I thought I would give a try. Eastwick, it's about three women who've live in a small town their whole live and never interacted together. But by chance become friends and discover new things about themselves that connects then together. They discover they are witches... It seems like it will be okay to watch, but I'm thinking it won't last past this season though...

Good news... I got 2 boxes packed!

Even better news... Grey's Anatomy is back on tomorrow night!!!

22 September 2009

Rain Rain Go Away!!

View from my office... this was after it had calmed down! .

It started around 4:00 p.m. and hasn't let up since... needless to say my running club didn't meet tonight. 
Good news! I packed 2 boxes tonight!! My goal was 5, but it's better than none!

21 September 2009

Case of the Monday's

The first day back, after a few days off from work, is always the worst...

My goal when I got home was to pack up 5 boxes... and I did it!  Hooray!!!

20 September 2009

Sunday (A pictorial review)

1.  Went to Church.

2. Ate at Ichiban.
3. Went to Dogwood with my Mom and Aunt Mary Ellen to find my Mom an outfit for my Uncle Dan's wedding. And we found somthing!!

4. Went to my Gramma's house to play Rummikub.

5. Took a break and had supper at Wendy's

6. Then back to Gramma's for more Rummikub!

Although it was a long day, it was a good end to a great weekend visiting with family and friends...

19 September 2009

Saturday with the Family!

Start off the morning with breakfast at McDonald's with the family.  My Aunt Mary Ellen and Uncle Emery are in town to visit from Pennsylvania. My uncle had to head back to PA early,  so we had breakfast with him before he had to be at the airport. And this is what I ate... it was delicious!!

I spent the afternoon trying to pack a few boxes (since my back was feeling much better)... I got three done! I wanted to get more done today, but three is better than none. Woo Hoo!
This afternoon I went to the movies to celebrate a friends birthday! We went and saw Julie and Julia...

I was a little worried about the movie because I had read the book a few months ago and was not that impressed with it. The book was okay but I got a little tired of it towards the end.  But I had heard good things about the movie and decided I would go. I love the movie!! I was cute and so funny!! I'm glad I went.

For dinner I had the option to go out to eat to continue the birthday festivities but opted to go to my Gramma's and watch the Mississippi State game with the family... and was I glad I did! It was a pretty excited game for the most part. And we won!!! Go Bulldogs!!

18 September 2009

Sick Day Friday...

Today I woke up feeling better than yesterday, but decided another day of rest would do my back good. I hated having to miss work again, but that's what sick day are there for. I hopeing by Monday I will be back to normal... we'll see!

17 September 2009

Back Pain and MEA!

So I got to bed fine last night... thinking my back pain would be better in the morning. Well, not so much. I was woken up about 3:00 a.m. this morning with shooting pain in my lower back on my right side.  I knew then that I would be making a trip to the MEA Medical Clinics when they opened at 9:00 a.m.  So that gave me 6 hours to try and get some sleep before they opened. I thought I might have kidney stones, even thought I have never had a UTI or any other symptoms associtaed with kidney stones.
So I was there at MEA when they opened at 9:00 a.m... and of course the waiting room was full. I finally got to see a doctor about 10:30 a.m.  The first thing the doctors did was rule out UTI or kidney stones. Thank goodness it wasn't either of those!! Turns out it was just a pulled muscle. The doctor put me on a prescreption pain pill and a muscle relaxer, which helped me sleep most of the afternoon.  I'm feeling better already! I'm hoping another few days of rest and relaxaction will have me back to normal.
Hopefully by Monday I'll be able to go running and pack some more boxes!!

16 September 2009

Back Pain and a Box!

My day in review:

1. Ran 3 miles

2. Work / back pain

3. Out to eat with mom and little sis / back pain

4. Packed a box / back pain

5. Bed / back pain :(

15 September 2009

Fun News!

I've finally decided to get an apartment!! Vieux Carre! Today I paid my security deposit and I will move in on October 1!!
Great things about this apartment:

1. 5 minutes from work
2. Gated
3. Cable included in rent
4. Includes washer and dryer
5. Includes microwave
6. Has parking at the front and back door
7. Best of all... It's my own place!!
So begins the packing up of my stuff and trying to figure out what all I will need being out on my own...
As a start to getting the stuff I need... I bought a box of pots and pans! Hooray!

My sister brought home lots for boxes from her work so I can start packing up all my stuff... I got one box done tonight!! It's a start...

Bad news... Week 1 Day 2 of Insanity... skipped. :(

14 September 2009

Monday Monday!

I decided to start Insanity over tonight. I've been a slacker lately and have neglected to do the workouts consecutively. Sooo... today is Week 1 Day 1 again... I hope I can do better this time.
I also finally had the time to catch up on the season finale of Weeds!!
It was so good! I can't believe this season is over. They always leave with such great cliff hangers! Can't wait until next season!!!

13 September 2009

Weekend in Review

Friday Flick...
I decided to rent a Redbox movie Friday. All the movies I really wanted to see were serious movies... so I settled on watching Hannah Montana: The Movie.
I was pleasantly surprised how cute this movie was. I heard, although it is a kids movie, that it was worth seeing and it was. I watched it with my little sister and we both enjoyed it.
Not So Sunny Saturday...
Saturday morning I ran The Bridge 10k in Madison, MS with Karen, Collin, and Kim. My main concern was the rain (which luckily it didn't) and the long gradual hills (which were not as bad as I thought they would be).
This was my first time doing this 10k and really enjoyed it! I will try and do this one again next year.
Saturday night Karen, Collin, and I went to Cock of the Walk to see Elizabeth and Court!! They are making their way to Las Vegas (their new home)! It was really good to see them.
Teresa, Karen, and I went to Renaissance to try and get some shopping done. Fresh Market was also doing a fund raiser for the JDRF! We got root beer floats and hot dogs! They were delicious and we helped JDRP!!
The thing I was most looking forward to on Sunday was True Blood!!
The season finale was so good! About half was through, I was beginning to wonder where HBO was going with the story line... but pleasantly surprised with the ending! Although, it deviates from the books, I can see where the next season is heading and am so excited!
Also, the VMA's showed the new New Moon extended trailer!!! It was fantastic! I can't wait until November!

10 September 2009

Birthday Celebration!

Today was my Gramma's 87th birthday! For her birthday dinner, she wanted to go to Fernando's!! It was lots of fun. We had some family come in town, for the special event. They also sang to her and made her put on a sombrero! She ate up all the attention. Luckily they didn't slap wiped cream on her nose! Ha!

09 September 2009

Redbox Wednesday!

This Wednesday's movie pick was Adventureland, staring Kristen Stewart, Jesse Eisenberg,  and Ryan Reynolds.

I had wanted to see this movie in the theater, but never got around to it. So, I decided it would be a good rental. Set in the 80's, this movie is about a recent college graduate ( played by Jesse Eisenberg) who was planning a summer trip before graduate school, only to find out his parents can't support his endeavors anymore. Having to get a job fast he finally gets a job at Adventureland. Thus begins of the best summers of his life. This movie has something for everyone (comedy, drama, and romance) and I enjoyed it very much. I would defiantly recommend!!

Tuesday's Jacktown Run Down!

Tuesday night was the third meeting for the Jacktown Run Down running club. I was so tired I was almost not looking forward to it. Luckly, a friend of mine was going to take it easy, so I stuck with her. To celebrate our run, we ate at Que Sera Sera! We had so much fun eating on the porch, we decided we may have our next meeting here again!

Labor Day!!

Labor Day was pretty laid back. It was so nice to have a day off from work!!

I finished reading Club Dead by Charlaine Harris!


We went to the drive-in Sunday night! Because we had no work on Monday!! It was so nice to get to stay out, knowing we didn't have to go to work the next day. So we decided to go to the drive-in. The double feature we agreed to go see was Inglorious Bastards and District 9.
The first movie we saw was Inglorious Bastards, staring Brad Pitt. I was looking forward to seeing this. Over all, I thought this was a good movie. Throughout the movie, there were lots of subtitles, that at times was hard to read. It was also a little graphic at times, which I knew going into the movie, but it was still a bit much. During the movie it also started to rain, causing us to have to retreat into the car for the remainder of the movie. But the ending was great (and graphic).
The second movie we saw was District 9. I wasn't to sure about this movie when I head it was about aliens, but I figured I would give it a try. At the beginning, I was ready to leave. I thought it was stupid and cheesy. But about 20 minutes into it I was hooked. If you are into alien movies, this one is certain to please.

05 September 2009

Zoo, Bulldogs, and Sushi!!!

I finally go to go to the Memphis Zoo!
Went to a birthday party, walked around a little bit, and stayed around for the penguin show! We stood around for about 30 minutes waiting for the penguin show to start... We were envisioning penguins doing flips and jumping in the water. Not so much, they pretty much just stood at the trainers feet begging for fish. But they were still really cute!!!
Not to long after the penguin show was over we called it a day... it was just too HOT to be out anymore!
It was a great day to be a Bulldog!! Our new coach, Coach Dan Mullen let us in a win for our season opener to Jackson State University! I didn't get to go, but was able to see most of it on T.V.
We ended the day at our favorite sushi resturant, Sekisui!! They had redone their menu and I tried two new rolls. They were fantastic! It was a great end to a great day!!

04 September 2009

Finally Friday!

Today is finally Friday! Got to work late this morning and was able to leave early too. My actual work day went by fast, which was nice because I was making the drive back up to Memphis for the Labor Day Weekend!!!

P.S. Was a slacker today and didn't do my Insanity video. :(

03 September 2009

Thrilling Thursday!

Started the day with my Insanity video! Then I was off to have breakfast with my Gramma at Heritage House. I usually go visit her on Tuesday and Thursday nights. But knowing I was going to neglect her on both of these nights, I decided I could be a little late for work and have breakfast with her.  Breakfast consisted of dried cranberry pancakes, bacon, and decaf coffee. Beside the coffee it was a great breakfast and it was a great visit with my Gramma. Then I had to go to work... My work day went by fast, especially after I got some caffeinated coffee in my system!

I was excited the day went by so quickly because I had plans for the night... a friend's birthday party and Fondren after 5!!

The birthday party was lots of fun. I got to see several people that I hadn't seen in a long time. We ate Papa John's (yum) and caramel cake for That Special Touch! (yum yum)

I was really excited about going to Fondren after 5! I had been wanting to go for over a year but I either had other plans or didnt have anyone who was able to go with me. Although we didn't get there until 7:30 p.m. we were still able to visit several of the shops. Next time I'll have to try and get there at 5!

While we were walking around Fondren, a man approached us and gave us tickets for 2 for 1 drinks at The Auditorium (He was a little creepy and funny at the same time)! I had wanted to go there for a while and was excited about getting to try it (even if it was just for drinks). There was a one man band there that was great! I'm hoping we go back soon for one  of their dinner and a movie nights. It sounded like lot of fun!!

02 September 2009

Workaholic Wednesday!

Today in a short list!

1. Work
2. Ichiban
3. Work
4. Yoga
5. Pasta
6. Work

P.S. I think I may be getting a cold! :(

01 September 2009

What a day!!

Today started out great! I went on a three mile walk this morning... the weather was so nice! Temps were in the low 60's... fall is in the air!

Work was good too! Until about 4:00 p.m. and then it was all down hill from there. I ended up having to stay until 7:00 p.m... sitting there waiting, and was unable to get anything done! I decided, when I was finally able to leave, that I deserved a trip to the "store". I picked up two bottles of wine... they were super cheap! (Both of them under 6 dollars!) Already my mood was getting better!

I decided before I would let myself enjoy my wine that I needed to do my Insanity video... and that's exactly what it was... INSANE! Tonight was Week 2 Day 2... Pure Cardio! I did better this time than the first time, but it's still the most insane workout of the program thus far. The instructor of Insanity, Shuan T sums it up at the end of this video, "This BEEP is bananas!"

Now back to the WINE!

I decided to open the red first, a Cabernet Sauvignon by Tunnel of Elms. How I selected it... it was under 6 dollars! It probably one of the best "cheap wines" I've bought lately. It had great flavors and wasn't too dry! I would definitely recommend!