24 March 2012

Did You Read?

I may have posted this before. It's a sketch from Portlandia, it made me giggle... thought I would share!

18 March 2012

Houston Rodeo!

Today John and I went to the Houston Rodeo. He had been the week before and had such a good time, he wanted to make sure I got to go too. It was so much fun! We got to see bareback riding, saddle bronc riding, bull riding, chuck wagon races, calf scramble, barrel racing, and mutton bustin'! And the night ended with Alan Jackson. I don't think I could pick a favorite. Everything was so fun to watch! Here are a few pictures I managed to take.

Rodeo Houston!

This was the calf scramble. They have a line of 4H students, let go a dozen calves and the audience gets to watch then scramble to get one. The kids who catch a calf, gets to take it home!

Chuck wagon races

Firework entrance for Alan Jackson!

Alan Jackson! (He was on a rotating stage, so everyone could enjoy the concert)

17 March 2012


John and I went over to Michael and Leslie's house to grill venison burgers. As we were turning into their neighborhood, John points out my window and says "Alligator!" Now, given yesterday, he said "Mouse!" and pointed at my feet (totally a joke), I didn't believe him about a alligator being outside the truck. But there was!

Houston St. Patty's Parade!

For St. Patty's Day, John and I went downtown Houston to the parade. It was much much tamer then the Jackson parade, more family friendly. Even though we got there right when the parade was starting, we got a great spot! Here are a few pictures

Fun Car

There are a whole section of Houston Irish Lawyers Association

People dressed in Civil War clothing and cannons!

Bag Pipers

John said he could see me wearing these and being in a parade. :D

There were about 25 Delorean's  in the parade. Not sure which were real and which
were kit cars. But it was still pretty cool!!

More Cars

This lady was entertaining!

Then it got more entertaining with the fire out the back of the car!

Lots of pretty doggies. This is an Irish Greyhound. (It's a miniature Greyhound)

These dogs where HUGE!  Irish Wolfhound!

10 March 2012

Movie Night!

Summary: Emma and Dexter meet on the night of their university graduation. We see them every year on the anniversary of that date - July 15th. Emma is smart but success doesn't come quickly for her, whereas for Dexter, success and women come very easily. Through the years they grow apart as their lives take different directions and they meet other people. But as they grow apart from those other people and their lives start taking opposite directions again, Emma and Dexter find that they belong with each other.

Tonight I watched One Day, starring Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess.  This was actually a book first, that I own but haven't read yet. I usually does watch the movie first, but it was on my Netflix list and I got it. It was actually a better movie then I thought. From the preview I thought Anne Hatahway's accent was going to be terrible but it turned out not to bother me. It was a very very sad movie, but still good.

05 March 2012

Movie Night!

Summary: Hugo is an orphan boy living in the walls of a train station in the 1930s in Paris. He fixes clocks and other gadgets as he learned to from his father and uncle. The only thing that he has left that connects him to his father is an automaton that doesn't work; Hugo has to find its heart-shaped key. On his adventures, he meets with a cranky old man who works in the train station and his adventure-seeking god-daughter. Hugo finds that they have a surprising connection to his father and the automaton, and as he discovers it, the old man starts remembering his past and his significance to the world of film-making.

Tonight Teresa and I watched Hugo. I had wanted to see it but missed it in the theater, so I added it to my Netflix. I lucked up and actually got it as soon as it was released on DVD. I really enjoyed this movie. It was neat to learn about Georges Melies (a pioneer in film making), and how without his films, there's no telling how movies would look today. I don't know that I would recommend this to young children, they might find it boring. But definitely for a family with older children or adults. Overall a very fun movie.

04 March 2012

The Surrey With The Fringe On Top

Today we made a day trip down to Galveston. It was such a pretty day. I did a quick look at the Galveston website and saw an advertisement for a 4 person bike (limo surrey). It was such a beautiful day, so we rented one for the hour. And an hour was enough, our bike was a little old/rundown, but it was still fun!

Here's what it looked like!

Candice took this picture! Turned out good!

When we first got going, I was trying to tell everyone about The Surrey With the Fringe on Top song from Oklahoma. But I couldn't remember the words and no one knew what I was talking about anyway, so here's the song for your enjoyment!

03 March 2012


This weekend, Candice, Louis, and I went to Houston for my birthday. On Saturday we went to see Radiohead! We had lots of fun. The only downfall was that whoever their stage manager was sucked. During several of the songs there were screen that covered the stage and made it impossible to see the band. But we still had fun! I was also happy that they played a lot more music that I recognized. Here's their set list and a few pictures! 

Little By Little
Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
Morning Mr. Magpie
The Gloaming
15 Step
Cut a Hole
These Are My Twisted Words
Lotus Flower
There There

Encore #1
All I Need
Everything In Its Right Place

Encore #2
Give Up the Ghost
Paranoid Android

02 March 2012

Birthday Cake!

This is my awesome birthday cake from John. It was delicious!

30 Before 30 - Finale!

Here is a quick pictorial rundown of how my 30 before 30 list went and didn't went...


01. Finish a 365 Photography Project DONE
{One of my favorite pictures}

03. Be on the Today show, walk the Brooklyn Bridge or visit 9/11 Memorial DONE and DONE

04. Master cooking a gourmet 5-course meal DONE

05. Do a Cleanse from my body and for my life DONE and DONE

06. Find the perfect shade lipstick/nail polish for me 
 {I love the OPI Bubble Bath for my finger nails, OPI Cajun Shrimp 
for my toe nails, and Clinique Black Honey Almost Lipstick}

07. Take the train to another city DONE
{Would love to do this again!}

08. Buy myself something from Tiffany's maybe on 5th Ave DONE

11. Try a really fancy champagne
{John got me this fancy champagne for my birthday!
John, Can, Lou, and I got to enjoy it before my birthday dinner!}

13. Visit a fortune teller or palm reader DONE

16. Visit an aquarium DONE

19. Learn how to really swim DONE
{I think I could still benefit from a lesson, 
but I'm going to count this one anyway}

22. Take an art or calligraphy or photography class DONE

23. Try 30 restaurants I've never been to DONE
{I had several favorites, I couldn't pick a favorite!}

24. Start learning a new language (Spanish or Italian) 
{I listened to a Berlitz Italian CD set, it's a start}

26. Eat a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts in one day DONE

28. Go vegetarian for one month – Lacto-ovo Vegetarian DONE

30. Finish typing up my Gramma's recipe box DONE

12. Get into top physical shape and feel great naked
{Working on getting in better shape}

14. Read the Bible cover-to-cover 
{I made it to Job, I'm hoping to finish this goal this year}

15. Watch every movie on AFI's 100 Years…100 Movies List 98 of 100
{I only lacked 2 movies, Intolerance, a 3 & 1/2 hour long serious black & white silent movie
and West Side Story, because Netflix would never give it to me.}

18. Find a signature drink DRINK
{The quest continues}

25. Read 30 novels from BBC's Big Read 17 or novels from TIME 100 Novels 6

29. Give 30 gifts in 30 days
{This is still a work in progress}

02. Play full round of golf (18 holes) /maybe own golf clubs
09. Go on a mini-vacation and stay at a hotel by myself
17. Read the complete works of Shakespeare
20. Get a tattoo (even if it's small)
21. Bike the Natchez Trace /buy a bike
27. Take a pole or belly dancing class

Backup/ Bonus {Didn't use any of these}
01. Party at Mardi Gras in New Orleans
02. Have a pet
03. Go on a road trip in a Mustang
04. Seriously look into getting a Master's Degree. In what?
05. Get a record player and start a vinyl collection [0/30]

01 March 2012

Movie Review

Summary: Rocky Balboa is a struggling boxer trying to make the big time, working as a debt collector for a pittance. When heavyweight champion Apollo Creed visits Philadelphia, his managers want to set up an exhibition match between Creed and a struggling boxer, touting the fight as a chance for a "nobody" to become a "somebody". The match is supposed to be easily won by Creed, but someone forgot to tell Rocky, who sees this as his only shot at the big time.

Tonight I watched Rocky starring Sylvester Stallone. I'd seen this movie before, but did a re-watch tonight! This is a classic, feel good kind of movie and I had fun watching it again.