17 September 2009

Back Pain and MEA!

So I got to bed fine last night... thinking my back pain would be better in the morning. Well, not so much. I was woken up about 3:00 a.m. this morning with shooting pain in my lower back on my right side.  I knew then that I would be making a trip to the MEA Medical Clinics when they opened at 9:00 a.m.  So that gave me 6 hours to try and get some sleep before they opened. I thought I might have kidney stones, even thought I have never had a UTI or any other symptoms associtaed with kidney stones.
So I was there at MEA when they opened at 9:00 a.m... and of course the waiting room was full. I finally got to see a doctor about 10:30 a.m.  The first thing the doctors did was rule out UTI or kidney stones. Thank goodness it wasn't either of those!! Turns out it was just a pulled muscle. The doctor put me on a prescreption pain pill and a muscle relaxer, which helped me sleep most of the afternoon.  I'm feeling better already! I'm hoping another few days of rest and relaxaction will have me back to normal.
Hopefully by Monday I'll be able to go running and pack some more boxes!!


  1. Haha! It wasn't Insanity... I've decided I might have moved a box and turned my back the wrong way. :(
