18 October 2011

Calligraphy Class!

Tonight I finished a 5 week calligraphy class at Millsaps College. I had so much fun! We spent the first 4 weeks learning Copperplate Calligraphy and one week on the Chancery Cursive Italic. I really enjoyed the Copperplate Calligraphy. It much prettier then the other we learned. It's going to take lots and lots of practice to get any good. I'm not very good yet, but I'm hoping with time, I will get better. My goal it to try and do my Christmas cards using my new talent. We'll see how it goes!! Anyways, here are a few pictures from my practicing.

 Calligraphy Pen and Ink


 More Practice

Calligraphy Pen

 Chancery Cursive Italic

Attempt at my name


  1. so pretty!! :-) I agree that the real pen is much nicer than the "marker." BTw...I'm too lazy to sign Louis out.

  2. Yah, Tina!! =)
